
体育训练的办法英文 (体育训练的办法英文怎么说)

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体育训练的办法英文 (体育训练的办法英文怎么说)摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于体育训练的办法英文的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍体育训练的办法英文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。关于中考体育锻炼的作文英语20...


体育训练的办法英文 (体育训练的办法英文怎么说)
  1. 关于中考体育锻炼的作文英语2021?
  2. 体育运动有哪些?英语表示?
  3. 倡议运动和学习的英语作文?


I think we should do more sport.Doing spotty is important.It makes us be healthy and healthier.We should do sport every day.


football,basketball,volleyball,baseball,tennis, badminton,ping-pong,pedestal ball,bowling,golf. Farmland path,bicycle,race car,motorcycle. Swimming,paddle boat,jump into water, dive , exercise at the sea. Martial arts,boxing , judo,nelson , Tae Kwon Do , Chi Kung, Mountain climbing, rock climb , cookhouse , adventure , skiing, Gymnastics , shoot , ride the horse , fencing , lift weights. Skate, ski.足球,篮球,排球,棒球,网球,羽毛球,乒乓球,台球,保龄球,高尔夫球. 田径自行车,赛车,摩托车. 游泳,划船,跳水,潜水,海上运动武术拳击,柔道,摔跤跆拳道,气功,太极. 登山,攀岩,野营,探险,滑雪,. 体操,射击,骑马,击剑举重. 滑冰,滑雪 .

体育训练的办法英文 (体育训练的办法英文怎么说)


sport is very important in our life, because it can make us keep healthy, what is more, the reasonable physical exercise can relieve the stress from competition.

in my life, I usually play basketball with my friends after school. In summer, swimming is part of my life.

体育训练的办法英文 (体育训练的办法英文怎么说)

when you study without exercise, it is easy for you to feel tired. because you are not strong.

however, too much exercise is also bad for your study, because you do not have energy to study.

as a result, you can have regular exercise about three times one week and afer few hours' study have a rest.



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